Our Team: Outi

Who are you Outi?
I am an always positive and energetic IT professional, who loves to be able to help people. I love puzzles and picking my brain with different challenges. I grew up in Kouvola, studied in Otaniemi, and have lived most of my adult life in Espoo. My family consists of my husband and two lovely kids. I joined Melkki in beginning of 2022 as a Senior Manager. My previous employers include the strategy unit of EY called EY-Parthenon, Gartner Consulting, DXC (although back then it was called HP Enterprise Services) and Ericsson.
How did you end up in Melkki?
For most, if not all, of my career I have been working in large global corporations. Already a few years ago I started thinking of how it would be to work in a smaller, possibly Finnish, company instead. Then Melkki found me. The Melkki values and way of working really resonated with me, and the warm feeling I got from the interview process meant that I had no other choice than to jump on the Melkki boat.
What do you enjoy the most at Melkki?
I love the Melkki people and atmosphere at work. How the whole company collaborates, and everyone is ready to help each other. I also love the Melkki way of questioning how things have been done in the past, aiming to make operations leaner and concentrating on the essential. The lean principle is visible both in Melkki operations and in the services we offer. I would call it the “common sense” approach.
How do you like spending your free time?
Most of my free time is spent with my family – husband and two daughters, aged 7 and 8. The kids keep us all busy with their activities of course, but we do try to do things together as a family as well. All of us love to travel, although that activity has now been on hold during the pandemic. Can’t wait to get back to exploring this globe!
Additionally, I love basketball – I try to attend all home games of the Finnish national team Susijengi, and I play myself as well. Nowadays though only once per week purely for fun and exercise, not in any official club. Another passion for me is culture. I am a frequent visitor in the art museums in the capital region, I enjoy theater shows with my friends and we have attended the Savonlinna Opera festival yearly with my husband since we have been together. I also read books (in the traditional paper format), I am inspired by interesting life stories.
One funny fact to close?
Related to the previous answer. When I was in university, I decided that I would keep the number or countries I have visited higher than my age for the rest of my life. Currently I am still on target, with 43 countries visited – the years that I worked for Ericsson's global service delivery has helped the target by taking me to places like Kazakhstan, Benin and Qatar.